Kurukulla Center

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Thu, November 21, 2019




Day of Remembrance: Geshe Tsulga-la



Geshe Tsulga, Kurukulla Center's beloved teacher for seventeen years and Geshe Tenley's uncle and teacher, passed away nine years ago on November 21, 2010. It was under Geshe Tsulga-la that Kurukulla Center was able to purchase the property here in Medford, which we are now on the eve of being able to pay off the mortgage!!!

After Geshe Tsulga-la passed away, Lama Zopa Rinpoche called him an Olympic Dharma Champion. "Geshe Tsulga always kept His Holiness' long life as most important, and told His Holiness that he doesn't need to pray for him, but that it was more important for His Holiness to live a long life for the world, to help all the people," said Rinpoche. "Geshe-la's attitude was amazing. Also, Geshe-la had no fear of death and this gives tremendous inspiration."

Mandala Magazine published articles by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Geshe Tenley and Sean Gonzalez which are a tribute to Geshe Tsulga's life and great qualities.

