Kurukulla Center

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Sat, November 04, 2023


6:30 - 7:00 AM 


Twenty-four Hour Mahayana Precepts Ceremony Conferred by Geshe Tenley



PLEASE DO NOT ARRIVE LATE TO THE CEREMONY. It's important to take part in the entire ceremony.

Lhabab Duchen celebrates Guru Shakyamuni Buddha’s return to Earth from the God Realm of the Thirty-Three after teaching Dharma for several months to the gods, including his mother, Mayadevi, who had died a week after Buddha’s birth and been reborn there. As a merit multiplying day, the karmic results of actions done on this day are multiplied 100 million times. This amazing result is sourced to the vinaya text Treasure of Quotations and Logic. Buddha Days are particularly powerful days and are opportunities to put in extra effort to create merit i.e., positive actions, that will result in happiness for self and others.

On this auspicious day of Lhabab Duchen, Geshe Tenley has kindly offered to confer the 24-hour eight Mahayana precept vows.  You can take the vows in person at Kurukulla Center or at home via Zoom. Extensive offerings will be set up at the center. If you are taking the vows at home, consider making an offering such as candles, water bowls or flowers on your altar before the ceremony begins.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Kurukulla Center’s Spiritual Director, recommends taking the 24-hour eight Mahayana precept vows on days on which the karmic effects of positive actions are greatly multiplied, such as Buddha days, full moon, new moon, and eclipses. More advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche for practices to do on merit multiplying days can be found here.

The 24-hour eight Mahayana precepts are taken from early morning until sunrise the next day.

The precepts are:
1. To not kill any sentient being, even an insect.
2. To not steal, that is, to not take what has not been given.
3. To not engage in sexual activity.
4. To not tell lies.
5. To not take intoxicants, including alcohol, drugs, and tobacco.
6. To not eat food at the wrong time, that is, after noon.
7. To not sit on large and high seats and beds.
8. To not wear perfume, garlands, and ornaments, and to not sing, dance, and so forth.

Note: please do not arrive late to the ceremony

The text you will need is The Direct and Unmistaken Method: The Practice and Benefits of the Eight Mahayana Precepts.

If you are unsure about taking the 24-hour eight Mahayana precept vows and would like more information you can send a message to info@kurukulla.org. 

To access the practice session on your cell phone or computer:

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You can also dial in on any phone:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

If you’re asked for a Participant ID, just press #

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