Kurukulla Center

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Mon, November 20, 2023


7:00 - 8:30 PM 


VIRTUAL CLASS: Buddhism in a Nutshell facilitated by Bob Dunn



"Buddhism in a Nutshell is an introductory course taught over a series of five Mondays (11/13, 11/20, 11/27, 12/4, and 12/11). The class covers basic Buddhist philosophy and principles within the Tibetan Mahayana context, including simple meditation instruction. This five-week series is perfect for brand new students, those with some background or who have done independent studies, and also those already practicing who wish to review the basics. 

The course covers:

- The life of Shakyamuni Buddha; the similarities of Shakyamuni Buddha’s life to ours; how the Buddha answered the big “meaning of life” questions that we all have.
- The Four Noble Truths.
- Buddha’s teachings in a gradual form for the practice of one individual - where to start, what next, etc.     
- What it means to be a Buddhist, an “inner being”.    
- The three principal aspects of the path to enlightenment (renunciation, bodhichitta, and right view) based on the lamrim text The Foundation of All Good Qualities composed by Lama Tsongkhapa.
- A short history of Buddhism together with an overview of the different types of Buddhism (Theravada, Mahayana, Mahayana/Vajrayana) and the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism (Gelug, Kagyu, Sakya, Nyingma).

There is no registration required and you may join in for any class.

All are welcome!

Bob Dunn has been studying Tibetan Buddhism at Kurukulla Center for 10 years and is a student of Geshe Tenley.
To access the Virtual Classroom join the Zoom Meeting on your cell phone (iPhone and Android devices) or computer:

Or, dial in on any phone:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

If you’re asked for a Participant ID, just press #
DONATIONS: As with all our teachings, this class is offered free of charge. However, we do gratefully depend on the generosity of students and supporters to cover our substantial monthly expense. To donate, please click here.

