The Chotrul Düchen Monlam Chenmo "The Great Prayer Festival” was established by Je Tsongkhapa in 1409 to commemorate the momentous events at Shravasti, India where Lord Buddha Shakyamuni displayed miraculous powers in order to subdue the six tirthikas, or non-Buddhist teachers. The festival, consisting of prayers, auspicious rituals, teachings and celebrations, was first held in Lhasa, and took place from first new moon until the full moon of the lunar New Year. Hundreds of thousands of people would attend these celebrations to observe the rituals and especially the debates that were held in front of the Potala.
This noble tradition is preserved and practiced in the same way to this day in most of the Gelug monasteries. The primary purpose for the Monlam Chenmo / Great Prayer Festival is to pray for the long lives of all the holy gurus of all the Buddhist traditions, for the preservation of the Buddhadharma in the world, and for world peace. These communal prayers, offered with strong faith and devotion, help to overcome obstacles to peace and generate favorable conditions for everyone to live in harmony.
There will be prayer recitations in English and Tibetan along with a Tsog offering.
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