Kurukulla Center

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Thu, August 28, 2014


7:15 pm - 8:30 pm 


Group Meditation Practice facilitated by Matthew McCall



Group Meditation Practice is an opportunity to practice meditation in a supportive community environment. Sessions will focus on integrating the teachings of other classes.

We are delighted to be adding Group Meditation Practice, facilitated by Matthew McCall, to our weekly lineup of programs. Traveling the path to full awakening requires three essential ways of learning: listening to teachings, contemplating and studying, and meditating upon what one was heard and studied. Though meditation practice has always been a part of Kurukulla Center's culture, there have been requests for a stand-alone group practice. These sessions will complement and supplement other classes offered at the Center. Sessions will include both stabilizing and analytical meditation techniques, and group discussion. Though all are welcome, regardless of your "level" of meditation, these sessions are particularly designed for those who have already participated in a full cycle of Monday night introductory classes. Fifteen minutes prior to each class, Matthew will be available to give basic guidance to those who are brand new to these sessions.

Matthew McCall has been attending Kurukulla Center and studying FPMT online-based courses since 2004. He is also the Facilities Manager at the Center, overseeing the maintenance aspect of caring for the prope

