Kurukulla Center

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Sun, July 20, 2014


11:00 am - 12 pm 


Sand Mandala Closing Ceremony



The closing ceremony involves special prayers and the ritualized dissolution of the sand mandala. The sand mandala that was painstakingly created over many hours will be brushed into a pile. The purpose of this process is to teach impermanence and to bless the surrounding community.

Following the ceremony any who wish to walk with the monks from the Center to the Mystic River may do so. The sand will be scattered to bless the river, the surrounding environment, and all beings.

Some of the sand from the mandala will be kept and small quantities distributed to any who would like to take some home. The sand can then be used in a variety of ways. You can take some grains to a body of water and with prayers for the happiness of all beings, scatter a few grains in the water; you can keep some grains in your home to bless the environment and to remove obstacles; and when someone (or an animal) is dying, you can put some grains in a little butter and gently apply on the person’s crown.

